Wyrd sisters

Deployment of html5 base

by Ty Myrddin

Published on January 8, 2022

Digital ocean

The path we took to practice setting up deployment to Digital Ocean:

HTML5 Boilerplate

DigitalOcean droplet

  • Set up a minimal Ubuntu 20.04 droplet on Digital Ocean
  • Create a non-root user
  • Grant administrative privileges to non-root user
  • Install and enable firewall and allow for ssh
  • Enable external access for regular user
  • ssh into droplet as regular user
  • Update and upgrade
  • Install Nginx
  • Adjust firewall to allow http
  • Checking web server is active and running
  • Check web server is reachable over IP address
  • Get a domainname and set up digitalocean NS nameservers at registrar
  • Add the domain in the Digital Ocean Networking section’s Domains tab
  • Add A records for domainname and www.domainname
  • Set up server blocks in Nginx
  • Check web server is reachable over http://domainname
  • Install certbot
  • Confirm Nginx configuration for certbot finding the correct server block
  • Allow HTTPS through the firewall
  • Obtain an SSL certificate
  • Verify certbot auto-renewal
  • Check web server is reachable over https://chosendomainname

Pipeline on bitbucket

Use Bitbucket validator.

  • Enable pipeline for the repository in Bitbucket
  • Create "Hello World" pipeline

              - step:
                  name: Just a simple echo!
                    - echo "Hello world!"
  • Create new branch artifacts
  • Create server (IP address droplet) and user (droplet user) variables in Bitbucket pipelines
  • Create SSH keys in Bitbucket pipelines
  • Add public key to authorized_keys in droplet
  • Verify fingerprint
  • Create a dist folder and exlude it from the remote repo in .gitignore
  • Create artifacts pipeline to SCP the boilerplate to server
  • Deploy using SCP

              - step:
                  name: Just a simple echo!
                    - echo "Hello world!"
              - step:
                  name: Build process
                    - rsync -av --progress . dist --exclude dist
                    - dist/**
              - step:
                  name: Deploy artifacts to production server using SCP
                    - pipe: atlassian/scp-deploy:0.3.4
                        USER: $USER
                        SERVER: $SERVER
                        REMOTE_PATH: '/var/www/tymyrddin.rocks/html/'
                        LOCAL_PATH: 'dist/*'
  • Create new branch artifacts
  • Create server (IP address droplet) and user (droplet user) variables in Bitbucket pipelines
  • Create SSH keys in Bitbucket pipelines
  • Add public key to authorized_keys in droplet
  • Verify fingerprint
  • Create a dist folder and exlude it from the remote repo in .gitignore
  • Create artifacts pipeline to SCP the boilerplate to server
  • Deploy using SCP

That's it. Got it running, then destroyed it. Find the completed code in the html5-base repo

WHERE'S MY COW?! Wyrd Sisters